05.05.24, 15:00 – 03.05.24, 18:00

Gathering, kinship games and collective script reading with a guest curator and researcher in Amesterdam

Location: Venue TBD, Amsterdam

We invite the School of Commons Alumn* based in the Netherlands to gather in Amsterdam to exchange knowledge and work created during and after their participation in the SoC 10 month peer learning program. The gathering will include games on kinship, a guest artist with an integrated performance of collective script reading; with optional drinks and bites afterward.

An invited artist for NL event, Krista Jantowski, works and lives in Amsterdam and Heerlen and is an organizer of sorts. She used to run a bookshop/lively kitchen space/hang out/now-and-again exhibition space/secret club with many collaborators, and currently, she is interested in the processes of remembrance, collective memory, and mediation in relation to the Dutch mining past with the long-term project reading room at greylight hosted by Greylight Projects (Heerlen, NL).

RSVP here: https://forms.gle/BqR9MNUT4eNnMVT26