04.02.24, 15:00 – 04.02.24, 16:00

Curation as community work in a hostile funding context – exchange by the Oyoun Team (hybrid) * 

@ Toni-Areal, Viaduktraum 2.A05, Ebene 2 (street entrance), Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich 

Oyoun team will briefly present our recent/ongoing curatorial projects. We will also share insights into what happened to Oyoun’s funding and existential situation in the last months, particularly within the broader European+ context of censorship and tokenism. Additionally, we aim to collaboratively develop strategies and share collective know-hows on how to navigate through challenging funding frameworks. Oyoun team will also impart some key learnings from our recent research project, “Imagination as a Cultural Right”. – oyoun team

*hybrid events can be attended via this Zoom link

Part of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”